

Right out of the box, the Common Input Base Controller Data does not initially support Horizontal single stick use in the Common Input Settings.


I was able to figure a way to support Single horizontal, Dual JoyCon & ProController environments using Common Input Settings.

  1. Setting the right configurations within the Project Settings:

  2. Create Left and Right JoyCon folders:

  3. Set up the Configuration File:

  4. Modify Configuration File:

  5. Set Up Common Input Settings:

  6. Configure Gamepad Hardware ID Mapping:

  7. Create Custom Logic for a Force Refresh Current Input Method :

  8. Implement Custom Controller Selection Logic for the Nintendo Switch JoyCon:

    FName UCommonInputPlatformSettings::GetBestGamepadNameForHardware(FName CurrentGamepadName, FName InputDeviceName, const FString& HardwareDeviceIdentifier)

By following these steps, I enable support for Single horizontal, Dual JoyCon & ProController environments using Common Input Settings on the Switch platform!